Well folks, we did it.

English 109 is officially over. Just over 3 months of hard work, collaborating, deadlines, and learning together and now it’s the end. I will miss our dynamic and engaging group. Everyone had unique and creative ideas that contributed to our everyday discussions. I’m grateful to have learnt in such a accepting and diverse environment. This term went well, as busy and as hectic as it did get. University can be overwhelming, but so can life be in general. It was surprising how well our class worked together and how Sarah was able to stir us up and help us with improving our writing so much.

With exams and final assignments coming up, I think it’s a good thing to be able to look back at how great this course was for all of us. It was unreal how our little classroom became more like a community of students ready to learn and work together for self-improvement. It was a welcoming place, where I felt my need to learn more being fulfilled and I am very grateful for that. It’s amazing how much my writing has improved over the course of the term. I’ve had professors from other courses and even my mum comment on how my writing abilities have changed for the better.


Since I am finally entering my 2A term, (YAY) to the future students of ENG 109 here’s some advice for you:

  • Edit your papers (seriously like 3-5 times)
  • Collaborate with your peers
  • Cite! Everything! and learn multiple styles of citations because it’s so useful
  • Ask for help and take healthy breaks. Don’t overwork yourself
  • Use the resources around you (Prof, TA, Library, etc.)
  • Be respecful and work hard!

University is a place of education where people are encouraged to express their ideas to the fullest extent. English 109 reminded me how much I love learning and working with others.

Best of luck everyone & thank you for a good term